Marriage Normal Sakha
Bengali Sakha is the best fashion in Hindu Society. We produce all off ladies fashion items. We Ensure quality and also provide Exchange of return facility. We continue our business all in India and worldwide as also the best Bengali Shakha for the 50 years above. We maintain high quality.
Bengali Shakha is one of the main goals of our Hindu society which must be taken from the marriage of girls. After marriage, the main symptom of girls is conch vermilion which introduce them to the Hindu society. According to custom of this Hindu society, girls have to wear Sankha & sindhur from marriage. The branch is pure precious metal
Bengali Sankha are our small industry conch shells obtained from the sea from which various designs are made by artificially shaping and designing. Bengali Sakha is used by hand to make the pure metal required from the marriage of girls. Sakha introduces girls as The Sadhaba (marriage) in Hindu Society.
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